ΕΥDE-ΕΤΑΚ: http://www.eyde-etak.gr
Hellenic Pasteur Institute: https://www.pasteur.gr
Department of Immunology, Hellenic Pasteur Institute: https://www.pasteur.gr/en/department-of-immunology
Vianex S.A.: https://www.vianex.gr
University of Patras: https://www.upatras.gr
Department of Chemistry, University of patras: https://www.chem.upatras.gr/el
MODY-ELKE (Research) University of patras: https://research.upatras.gr
Seven Sigma Innovation: https://sevensigma.gr
Multiple Sclerosis Hellenic Association: https://gmss.gr
Marilena Androutsou, MSc, PhD (Coordinator; Head of R&D, Vianex S.A.). Τel: +302610647363; email: androutsoum@vianex.gr
Lesley Probert, PhD (Scientific Coordinator; Research Director Head of Immunology Department, Head of Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Hellenic Pasteur Institute). Tel.: +302106478866; email: lesley.probert@gmail.com
Theodore Tselios: MSc, PhD (Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece). Tel: +302610997905; email: ttselios@upatras.gr