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Hellenic Pasteur Institute Research Organization  (


The Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI) is a private, non-profit organization supervised by the Ministry of Culture,Education & Religion and the Ministry of Health. The Project will be carried out in the laboratory of Molecular Genetics which is a large, independent laboratory fully-equipped and with expertise in many standard experimental techniques; molecular biology, gene expression and protein analyses, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, analysis of immune responses, cell culture of primary T cells and neurons, transgenic technologies, experimental models for chronic immune pathologies, imaging by confocal, time lapse and 2-photon microscopy. The Institute also provides several central technological platforms; a fully-equipped modern Light Microscopy Unit, a Transgenic Technology Unit with Immune Mouse Repository and a large Experimental Animal Unit for small rodents, both operating under SPF conditions.

Dr. Lesley Probert, Head of the Department of Immunology Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at HPI has more than 25 years’ experience in neuroimmunology and inflammation biology, and in the development and application of transgenic and conditional gene targeting systems in mice for the study of neuroinflammatory disease. Dr. Probert is collaborating for more than 15 years with the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras and the last 10 years she is collaborating with VIANEX S.A. in the development of immunodominant analogues with the use of myelin epitopes.

Department of Chemistry University of Patras

Research Agency (

The Department of Chemistry of the University of Patras will carry out its research in the Department of Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Natural Products. One of the most important research activities of this institution is Medical-Pharmaceutical and Peptide Chemistry. Specifically, in the field of Peptide-Protein Chemistry, new methods of synthesis of peptides and small proteins in high purity and high yields have been developed.
Assoc. Prof. Theodoros Tselios and his research team have 20 years of experience in the design and synthesis of peptides as well as bioactive compounds involved in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and hypertension. A milestone in his research is the 10-year constructive collaboration with the company VIANEX and the Hellenic Pasteur Institute in the synthesis of epitopes of myelin proteins and their coupling with polysaccharide (mannan) involved in the immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis.

VIANEX S.A. (Coordinator) Enterprise (

Plant D, Industrial Area of Patras

Vianex has 90 years of experience in the pharmaceutical field having demonstrated exceptional business achievements in a wide range of activities such as manufacturing, licensing, marketing, exporting and distribution of pharmaceutical products. Vianex has established successful partnerships, in the frame of License & Distribution Agreements, with leading pharmaceutical firms in Europe, the USA and Japan for the licensing of innovative products. Is a leader in application of new technologies and transfer of technology and know-how. The Company has a project purely for R&D purposes entitled “Development of NCE in very early stage of development”. Recently focused on one pre-clinical program which targets the development of new candidate as potential therapeutic agents in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Vianex has also other R&D in-house operations, resulting in frequent new launches and supply of the market with new products. Vianex performs clinical development (Bioequivalence studies, Toxicology, Clinical Trials), clinical monitoring and projects on the development of Generics and Generics Plus pharmaceuticals.

These Vianex-branded products are promoted by the company’s sales force in the Greek territory but also the company exports these products in more than 31 countries.

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